I realize this was news two weeks ago, and everyone’s probably moved on, but whatever. If you come here expecting breaking news, I don’t know what to tell you.
I should also preface this by saying I’ve only seen the YouTube “content” from this guy a couple of times … and in each of those instances, I was unimpressed.
I’m talking, of course, about Finn McKenty, the persistent YouTube vlogger and self-described “Punk Rock MBA” who, over the course of the last several years, built up a loyal online following via his series of videos discussing Punk Rock and ancillary concerns, frequently with an accent on marketing enhancement. Late last year, McKenty announced he was quitting his YouTube endeavors because he had “met his financial goals.”
So, what’s my grievance, you ask?
Well, for a start, “Punk Rock MBA”? I’m sorry, but FUCK YOU! Even before I’d ever heard this guy speak, I immediately found that title pretty objectionable. I mean, given his allegedly vast experience in marketing, branding and such, that mercantile oxymoron (to my mind) sort of summed up his whole approach, but that just set my teeth on edge from the get-go.
On a deeper level, McKenty was the type of music “content creator” with a tireless penchant to putting things into neat, little clearly defined boxes, repeatedly reducing whole oeuvres, styles and sounds into easily categorized subdivisions with little or no regard or concern for artistic merit or creative expression. It’s an approach more suited to touting athletic statistics or automotive performance than music and art. Moreover, many of the bands McKenty routinely championed – with precious few exceptions – were all pretty mediocre at best, but that’s just my own opinion.
Personally, I realized the guy was a complete, shit-talking fraud when in a discussion with Fat Mike from NOFX (who I also have several issues with), McKenty offered that the best American ska/punk band was Sublime (this is the wrong answer by every conceivable standard). The right answer is Operation Ivy, but whatever. As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, I do not take kindly to the pervasive reinforcement of ill-informed opinions.
Regardless, this was all borne out recently when, in an interview towards the end of the year, McKenty expounded that not only had he been doing it all exclusively for the money, but also that he NEVER HAD ANY INTEREST IN MUSIC TO BEGIN WITH. Given my above take on his opinions, priorities and overall presentation, this revelation wasn’t all that surprising, but kind of disappointing and, well, depressing all the same.
Many more invested folks have already weighed in on this (like this guy and this guy), and I’m really just kinda banging the same gong, so to speak, but it’s hard not to come away from this story with a really bad taste in the mouth. I mean, on the one hand, I guess McKenty can be commended for his mastery of the medium, despite his purportedly complete disinterest in both the subject matter and the demographic that his content catered to. If what he says is true – that he was never even remotely interested in music – it’s kind of astonishing how he managed to credibly sustain his endeavor this long, let alone with any modicum of success.
I guess I’m just more struck by the cynicism of the whole ruse, and I can’t figure out what McKenty has to gain by being so openly disdainful of it all (he referred to his followers, at one point in that interview, as "smooth-brained, low-vibration people"). I gather he plans to now concentrate on new avenues to … um… well, I guess “exploit,” is the word, but I really don’t think it’s a particularly good look for him to expose himself as such a bitterly unapologetic charlatan. If you were a potential future investor or partner, would you want to do biz with this guy? I wouldn’t.
More to the point, it bums me out that this guy built himself an arguably authoritative bully pulpit of influence over a community of aspiring music fans without, well, … any authenticity or genuine passion for the music. That’s just fucking lame, however competently he managed to pull it off.
So, yeah, fuck Finn McKenty!
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