If you’ve ever covertly harbored the burning desire to buy me a beer or, conversely, long nursed a fantasy about pouring a beer over my head, you’ll soon have your opportunity to do one or both of those things next month, out in the wilds of Bushwick, Brooklyn (or the `Schwick, as objectionable hipsters call it) when the mighty Art Gray Noizz Quintet joins forces with Lydia Lunch, Knife Thrower (the new band helmed by Erik Sanko) and the Skull Practitioners.
When I saw the line-up announced today -- all big faves of mine -- I immediately procured m’self some tickets, despite having never been to the venue in question (the Sultan Room). In any case, I’ll be there, and you should be, too!
Find tickets here.
Meanwhile, here’s a great, relatively recent interview with Art Gray and Ryan Skeletonboy of the Art Gray Noizz Quintent. Your life will be immeasurably bettered by having read it.
Here’s a taste…
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