I've mentioned him a few times before, but Jesse Rifkin is an excellent young writer and a friend of mine whose work routinely blows me right off the fuckin' porch. His lovingly researched book, "This Must Be the Place: Music, Community And Vanished Spaces in New York City" is something I completely consider fucking required reading, right up there with "Please Kill Me" by Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain and "Our Band Could Be Your Life" by Michael Azerrad.
In any case, Jesse just recently landed an interview with Peter Missing of Missing Foundation. I've you've been paying any attention at all to regular proceedings on this stupid blog, you'll know that Missing Foundation is something of an obsession of mine. So, while I am privately seething with envy (I've interviewed former members Chris Egan and RB Korbet, but never got to Missing, despite some near-misses), I have to say that that Jesse did an AMAZING job. Another piece of the puzzle is in place.
Even if you're unfamiliar with the music and the minutia of Missing Foundation (click here for some of that), it's a great read.
Find Jesse's interview with Peter Missing here.
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