Okay, this is a weird one.
While, yes, it’s not dissimilar from other travelogue-esque NYC videos I’ve put up (like this, this, this, this and this), there’s something mysteriously disturbing about this, albeit not intentionally (I don’t think).
Evidently digitized from an old VHS cassette, this montage of footage of the Manhattan of 1997 comes scored by a thumping R&B tune which, honestly, doesn’t say “Nineties” to me such as “Eighties,” but whatever. No, the problem is that the source material – the VHS cassette – sounds like it’s dragging and rolling, periodically reducing the meter and the pitch of the song to a weird sluggish warble.
The end results sound nightmarishly nauseous. One half-expects to see something duly unspeakable at any second to reflect the unsettling wrongness of the soundtrack.
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