Hey again, all. Once again, let me apologize for the slowdown in regular posting. Put simply, my life has been pretty much consumed by the otherwise dumb, workaday injury I’m vainly trying to get through. I’m almost a week into my boot sentence, and, ultimately, it’s all fine. I only have to wear it for three weeks, but it slows me down considerably and is completely clunky. But it is by no means a big deal. It does make me somewhat uncontrollably cranky, but c'est la guerre.
I am continually asked what happened, and I simply do not have a short, pithy response (and it’s assuredly nothing cool or sexy like a motorcycle accident or a shark attack), so I usually try to brush off the topic by saying that it looks worse than it is. If truth be told, I don’t even know if the boot is making a difference – I certainly don’t feel a pronounced improvement as yet, but I’m still waiting to start the “bone stimulation” treatments and still have two more weeks in the boot. It’s still early days, I guess.
This all said, wearing the boot curtails my walking time and eats up a lot of my energy, patience and attention, so my time ruminating about the usual subjects here has been a bit compromised. I’m also in a foul mood, a lot of the time, so it’s probably just as well that I’m not sitting here typing hostilities into the void.
But, again, in the grand scheme of things, it’s really not that big of a deal. There are people with significantly greater problems in the world, so I should shut right the fuck up.
Have a happy Fourth!
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