Apropos of nothing at all, I’m taking the Colbert Questionert.
Here we go…
• Best sandwich? I’m going to say a good bacon, egg & cheese on a roll.
• What's one thing you own that you really should throw out? Jeezus, where do I begin? I still have boxloads of cassettes I should probably part with.
• What is the scariest animal? I am still entirely captivated by the majesty of the Great White Shark. Hard to fathom anything credibly scarier than that.
• Apples or oranges? Well, I’m allergic to apples, so I’m going with oranges.
• Have you ever asked someone for their autograph? The last person whose autograph I asked for was probably Ace Frehley.
• What do you think happens when we die? As much as I love the notion of the cycle starting all over again, I’m sort of inclined to believe that nothing happens. We simply cease to exist.
• Favorite action movie? I’m tempted to cite films like “Apocalypse Now!” and/or “A Clockwork Orange,” but both of those are so much more than simply “action movies.” I’m going to go with “The Road Warrior.”
• Favorite smell? Slow-roasting fresh garlic in extra virgin olive oil.
• Least favorite smell? For whatever reason, I have a horrible reaction to the small of hyacinths (the flower).
• Exercise: worth it? Absolutely, although without becoming a fitness zealot.
• Flat or sparkling? I’m not fussed.
• Most used app on your phone? Probably Instagram.
• You get one song to listen to for the rest of your life: what is it? The notion of only being able to listen to one single song for the rest of one’s life seems like a slow boat to madness, regardless of whatever song it might be. But, ... how about ... "I Can't Give You Anything" by The Ramones.
• What number am I thinking of? I was told there’d be no math.
• Describe the rest of your life in 5 words? “Focused on what actually matters.”
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