I gave them a fleeting little mention a few posts ago, but they’ve been so kind in routinely shouting-out this blog and evangelizing my silly content, that I feel duty-bound to show them some equal love.
I think they started back in March of this year, but these two ladies –- actress Meg MacCary and writer Jessica Jones -– started a podcast called “Desperately Seeking the `80s,” and they devote their programming -- essentially lively discussions between two lifelong friends -- to endearingly grisly true crime sagas and rapturous rumination on pop-cultural ephemera from the era in question, all couched in personal experience and recollection, not at all unlike most of the stuff on this here blog.
They somehow came across Flaming Pablum, as previously discussed, when researching the 84th Street Bombers, exhuming some old posts of mine about getting mugged in the process. After saying some very nice things about my tireless penchant for florid overwriting, they started tagging me on social media. Ever since then, we’ve been exchanging missives. I find myself lobbing fistfulls of antiquated links of mine at them after hearing each new episode of theirs (they’re very prolific), hoping to augment the greater discussion. We keep talking about getting together for drinks and breaking through the fourth wall, so to speak.
It’s obviously focussed on fairly niche concerns (if you didn’t grow up in the `80s on the Upper East Side, let alone New York City, a lot of the references might be lost on you), but it’s done with such infectious zeal that I believe the word is getting out. If you enjoy reminiscing about scandalous tabloid-fodder of murder, mayhem and malfeasance and/or invocations about various bars, clubs, teenage hang-outs and the notorious, complementary caraffes of cheap-ass wine at Chinese restaurants, DO wrap your ears around “Desperately Seeking the `80s” with the quickness.
Tell them Flaming Pablum sent ya. Find them here.
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