I am frequently heard to complain about how, evidently, all the good band names are taken – resulting in a veritable avalanche of indefensibly stupid band names like Dry Cleaning, Soccer Mommy, Mannequin Pussy, Car Seat Headrest, Laundry Day, Japanese Breakfast, etc. etc. My reaction to this has pretty much always been that if you can’t be bothered to think of a decent band name, you needn’t worry about me every giving a fuck about your music.
But, as has been well established elsewhere on this blog, I am a filthy hypocrite.
Back when the earth was young, I had a co-worker named Drew who shared a similar affinity for loud, obnoxious music. He was raving, at the time, about this band he liked called Pissed Jeans. As expressed above, I had zero interest, as I found their name to be idiotic and distasteful (and this coming from a guy who actively espouses bands like the Circle Jerks, the Butthole Surfers, the Revolting Cocks, etc.) In any case, Drew would not let up on his championing of Pissed Jeans, continually asserting that I was really missing out on a good thing. As if on cue, Pissed Jeans rolled into town and played at since-vanished music venue Cakeshop on Ludlow Street. Very begrudgingly, I went at Drew’s behest to check them out, churlishly expecting to be underwhelmed.
And, of course, they were fucking brilliant, as discussed here. Not only were they precisely a variant of slovenly, pugnacious rock that I happen to adore, once I saw them perform and heard their music, their “stupid and distasteful” name made completely PERFECT sense. They SOUNDED exactly like the state of being wherein urinating in one’s own jeans is par for the course. Mind changed and summarily blown.
Cut to 2022 and suddenly there’s a hotly touted band making the rounds called Wet Leg. My immediate reaction is a disinterested “fuck you” in very much the same manner I wrote off Pissed Jeans. If “Wet Leg” is honestly the best thing they can come up with, why should I be arsed to listen to what is inevitably a puddle of anemic sonic piffle, right?
Once again, however, I stand corrected.
For relatively no good reason, I clicked “play” on the video below, captured at last week’s Glastonbury festival in merry olde England, and was quickly totally engaged. It was embedded in a roundup in Vulture. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but when they kick into that guitar riff at 01:12, I was completely onboard. The fact that there are two zealous guys in the audience dressed like lobsters had nothing to do with it, I assure you.
This is a more amped-up performance than captured on the studio version, but I’m still really digging it. It is my recent understanding that the band chose their admittedly dumb name to take the pressure off them -– which is pretty much the same reason why one of my favorite-ever bands, Echo & the Bunnymen, chose theirs. Once again, I am revealed to be prematurely closed-minded and a filthy hypocrite.
Sorry, Wet Leg … please forgive me.
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