This might seem like a poorly timed post, given that the indoor mask mandates have been largely lifted around New York City, but the point still remains.
I have a deliberately annoying-but-tenacious habit of trying to impose my will on certain friends by questioning their masculinity when they fail to agree to whatever stupid plan I’m proposing, usually to the tune of: “Let’s go get beers – a man would say “YES!””
I say it *BECAUSE* it’s a stupid thing to say. I’m being *KNOWINGLY* idiotic when I do it. Anyone who alludes to what “real men” do or do not do when striving to make a point is wading into a sickly bath of hopeless misogyny and antiquated thinking. For comedic purposes with certain friends, however, I think it’s fine, because, to my mind, it’s so obviously goddamn ridiculous. It's abundantly clear that I’m not being serious.
That all said, it should go well without saying that not everybody thinks the same way I do (and this is entirely true for a wide and varied host of diverse and divisive topics). Lots of folks take their preconceptions about what is and is not acceptable behavior indicative of their gender very seriously, and if you want to really hit one of these people where it hurts, you call them on it, I guess.
To that end, as part of the efforts of the anti-vax/science-skeptical crowd to discourage consensus and sew division around the topic of COVID-19 health protocols, they’ve coated parts of New York City in a sticker campaign. Some of the stickers are slightly more nuanced than others, but this one seemed pretty brazen, aimed squarely at a certain demographic pathetically insecure about the accepted behavioral norms of their gender.
This is the level of intellect and maturity that is impeding a meaningful management of COVID-19.
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