I spotted this photo somewhere on the wilds of Tumblr, and thought it was quite cool.
Taken by painter/photographer Bernard Safran allegedly sometime between 1962 and 1972 (an oddly specific window, that), it shows the proprietor of the Mod Record Company attending to the sidewalk in front of his shop.
NYC Nostalgia suggests that this is somewhere on the Upper East Side, but I’m not sure what criteria they’re basing that on. Technically, I was living on the Upper East Side during the `70s, and I certainly don’t remember such a venture, but it may have been during my very small years.
The hill in the background is kind of a big clue, though. I’m thinking that if it is to believed that this was somewhere uptown, I’m thinking either on the east side of Park Avenue north of East 97th Street or possibly north of East 97th Street on Lexington Avenues.
What say you? Does anyone remember the Mod Record Co.? Can anyone name the location?
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