I realize you can do super-cool things with them, but I’ve become somewhat wary of and annoyed by drones. Last summer, when I was fleetingly squatting at a cottage out on the South Shore of Long Island, our next door neighbor had one and routinely had the thing hovering over our house. It’s not that I was concerned about him filming us (he would have been catastrophically bored with the end results, I assure you), but the constant buzzing and whirring noise of the thing was really irritating. They’re a nuisance.
That all said, when used properly, they can deliver legitimately breathtaking perspectives heretofore only available to birds and/or people in very expensive helicopters. Below in one such video.
Shot from in, around and way the Hell above Washington Square Park, here’s a novel view of my neighborhood. He even flies over my drab, nondescript building, at one point. Thrills.
Ignore the awful stock music and enjoy.
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