It should go without saying, at this point, that we're living in some genuinely difficult times on a variety of fronts. As such, comparatively trivial bullshit should really not be the priority while bigger fish are being fried. But being that this stupid blog largely concerns itself almost exclusively with comparatively trivial bullshit, I thought I might as well address it.
The bloom is evidently off the rose in regards to Shepard Fairey's portrait of Deborah Harry on the southwest corner of Bleecker & Bowery. Back in February -- when life deceptively seemed significantly simpler -- you might remember I noted that someone had tagged up lovely Debbie's neck. Well, someone else took that baton and ran with it, as the mural has pretty much been wholly defaced, at this stage.
Once again, people are grappling with real problems, these days, so the sullying of some fetching street art doesn't really rank that highly on the unspeakable crime ladder.
But it's still a damn shame.
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