I was very sad to learn, this morning of the death of Tim Smith, lead singer/songwriter of Cardiacs.
I first heard Cardiacs via a compilation cassette scored on a trip to London in 1993, and they practically blew a new part in my hair. Imagine the most complicated progressive rock ala King Crimson or Yes -- rife with all the oddly-timed filigree and complex noodlry you'd expect -- but played with the breakneck ferocity of a beer-&-amphetamine fueled punk band at full throttle. Quite extraordinary. Maybe not for everyone, but unlike anything you've ever heard.
Sadly, Tim suffered a heart attack (cruel irony) in 2009 and was largely incapable of continuing. But the music Cardiacs made is nothing short of astonishing, singularly British and well worth seeking out (albeit not always easy to find).
Brilliant. Unique. Irreplaceable.
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