Cold enough for ya?
Yeah, it's still brutal out there, although I guess we here in NYC should count our blessings, as it's like the temperature of deep space in Chicago, or so I gather.
Back a week or so ago, when it was in the twenties, I posted a video on Facebook for "Coldest Day of the Year" by my beloved Cop Shoot Cop, thinking it was ... y'know ... somewhat topical. Then, of course, came yesterday, when it was three degrees, at one point.
It's a little better today. It's in the teens, last time I checked. As such, herewith another tenuously appropriate song, albeit sort of from the other side of the "taste fence," as a friend of mine used to say.
In re-watching this, though, it occurred to me this video is essentially the VERY SAME video as "I Ran" by A Flock of Seagulls, replete with cheap effects, bad hair, pouting band shots and footage of the lead singer walking around a confusing mirror maze with eerie robot girls. Both songs were released in 1982.
Bundle up, campers.
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