Cripes, just leave it alone, would you?
Today, my grand comrade EV Grieve posted an eye-roll-worthy post about the new mega-monster monolith that occupies the south side of 14th street between Avenues A and B, a formerly humble strip of low buildings that included the fabled Blarney Cove, amid several other since-razed concerns.
In any case, the company that owns this block-long Star Destroyer, Extell, have cheekily christened the complex with a new moniker. They're calling it "EVGB" …. GEDDIT??
An acronym for the "East Village's Greatest Building," it's ultimately yet another low-browed allusion to the storied legacy of CBGB over on the Bowery.
Now, before you roll your own eyes and get all exasperated at me, rest assured that I'm not about to lapse into another tear-stained eulogy for the fabled club in question. That's been handled here, way more than enough times.
No, what I'm asking for is for people to fucking LEAVE IT ALONE, ALREADY! By jokingly referencing the neighborhood's former touchstones, you're only adding insult to injury, whether that's via a ham-fisted mural decrying gentrification or the strenuous attempt to ride the coattails of CB's legacy by assuming its former footprint like a avariciously priapic necrophile. It's a bad look, it's not funny, nor especially clever and -- yes, goddammit, -- it's fucking disrespectful to something that a lot of people still fervently revere.
Daniel Boulud did this too. Remember DBGB (i.e. Daniel Boulud's Gastronomic Bistro)? Yeah, that didn't go over well, either.
Just don't go there!
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