...since it's such a buzzy term these days... My friend Drew Carolan of “Matinee” fame posted this earlier this week, so I thought I’d share it here.
Y’know, I realize I’m supposed to respect ol’ Henry Miller and all that -– I mean, consider, for a moment, his staggering body of literary work and trailblazing style. I only ever read “Tropic of Cancer” (inspired, embarassingly enough, by its invocation in one of the opening scenes of Scorsese’s “After Hours”), and barely made it through. He is rightly hailed as a titan of American letters.
But, taken out of context (that context being the 1975 feature, “Awake & Asleep”), this rant just paints Miller as a whiny, cranky, cantankerous old buzzard. Stop complaining, man. You survived and did alright for yourself and lead a pretty amazing, hedonistic, libidinous life with Anais Nin, June Miller and countless others.
Quit your bitching and suck it up!
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