One last word about Drew Carolan’s “Matinee” book.
You might remember in my most recent post about the book, I mentioned that Drew himself will be doing an in-store at Generation Recoreds on Thompson Street, accompanied by period-appropriate proto-NYHC band, The Mob. Unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to be there as, that same day (this Saturday, November 18th), the wife & kids and I are boarding a plane for Ireland for a week. We’ll be spending our Thanksgiving drinking Guinness, posing with statuery of Phil Lynott, singing Virgin Prunes ditties a capella and upsetting the locals with our appropriated accents. I’m greatly looking forward to all that, but I’m bummed to be missing Drew’s in-store. Go in my stead, and please tell’em Flaming Pablum sent ya.
In any case, there is one more addendum I wanted to bookend my series of posts on the subject with. If you haven’t picked up the “Matinee” book yet, you should indeed do so, but if you already have and are summarily enjoying it (as well you should be), you should also be sure to check out Drew’s Instagram page, which takes the project to the proverbial next level.
For the past few weeks, Drew has been somewhat painstakingly tracking down the subjects of his photos to find out what they’ve been up to since. Check out his Instagram page here and get the whole storey, courtesy of NPR, here.
I hope he doesn’t mind, but here’s one of my favorites. This is my friend Yana, one of the former hardcore kids Drew immortalized. She later went on to front the bands P.M.S. and Wench, and had a sideline in record company publicity. Regular readers might remember my account of meeting Yana (then a benevolent representative of my beloved Killing Joke) when she was working at Noise International on Crosby Street. She’s gone on to do a number of fabulous things since then, including singing for an all-female Dio cover band called ...WAIT FOR IT ... Sheo!
Drew's Instagram also features some outtakes and shots that didn't make the book. Totally worth checking out. Enjoy!
Oh, and just because …. here’s The Mob…
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