It’s probably ridiculous for me to address proceedings this way, but I have a hard time posting profoundly trivial shit on my blog like arcane album-cover minutia and/or inane location-spotting photo-hunts featuring age-old punk bands with silly hair when the world is essentially going to Hell in a fuckin’ handbag.
Between the hearings, the shootings, the tweets, the terror, the name-calling, the propaganda, the red tape and the daily lashings of abject bullshit from the top on down, it’s hard to feel any semblance of optimism for the future. We are deeply into the shit, these days, and I don’t know about you, but I’m genuinly concerned that the only light at the end of this dank, idiotic tunnel is an oncoming train. I’ve lost a great deal of faith in the system, and pretty all faith in the competence of my fellow Americans. How did we get here? How do we get out? Yes, I know … vote the bastards out, but will the harried, distressed fabric of our union even survive long enough for us to do so?
Over in the teeming wilderness of Facebook, I’ve half-heartedly endeavored to curtail my firehose of venomous spleen-venting by posting music videos every time I’m tempted to let rip about the tumult of the day. It hasn’t always worked, but I’d like to believe it’s given some relief to those remaining friends of mine who, for whatever reason, may not share my frothy-mouthed ire regarding all things Trump.
In the wake of yesterday’s avalanche of dispiriting news, I put up the track below, expressing the need to hear something positive and life-affirming, given that all else was basically going “shitwards” (yes, I know – how eloquent!)
That, in turn, reminded me of a photo I snapped on West Broadway this past February. Below are my kids sharing a moment with the Starman himself.
Stay hopeful.
Stay positive.
Fight the good fight.
Happy Father’s Day.
Let the children boogie!
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