Hey gang. Lots going on at the moment, so sorry for the slowdown. More stuff on the way, but in the short term…
I spotted this on Flickr and thought I’d share it. Snapped by one Paula Gillen, here we see an image from 1981. Ms. Gillen describes it thusly…
Disco Headquarters sign in Record Shop window. Bleecker Street area of NYC. 1981. Neon Sign spells Records.
Obviously, 1981 was a hugely goddamn long time ago, by this point, but where do we think this is?
As far back as I can remember, there used to be a handful of record shops literally on Bleecker, although the only music-related shop that remains today is Village Music World at 197 Bleecker between MacDougal and Sixth Avenue, but I don’t know if that was even there in 1981.
More to the point, however, Ms. Gillen said Bleecker Street area, which could practically mean anywhere between the West Village and the Bowery.
Anyone recognize it?
Check out the rest of Ms. Gillen’s vintage NYC pics here.
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