Spotted the photo at the bottom of this entry posted by the great Mykola Mick Dementiuk on the Facebook group Greenwich Village Grapevine today, and it was like being stabbed in the heart with a fork.
I've already spoken about my love for the Tower Records formerly on 4th & Broadway many times (see links at the end of this post), so while I don't need to rehash any of that, it's worth repeating that even though it was technically a 'big chain,' Tower was an amazing place that I continue to sorely miss.
Word came down recently from EV Grieve that the former Tower space (which, until fairly recently, played host to the lamentable MLB Mancave), is next to become a studio for AOL, which begs the following crucial questions...
- Who the Hell needs that?
- AOL is still a thing?
In any case, judging from the albums being zealously advertised in this photograph (notably Synchronicity by the Police and Principle of Moments by Robert Plant), I'd suggest this image was captured in 1983.
Take me back.
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