I regret to say that I cannot remember where I first spied this photograph -- taken by one Jill Furmanovsky -- but found it somewhat remarkable, and thought I’d share it here and ultimately try to glean more about it. Click on it to enlarge.
This is, of course, storied London ska ensemble, Madness, posing with suitably nutty aplomb on the mean streets of Manhattan in 1980.
At first glance, I’d suggest this was snapped somewhere on Fifth or Sixth Avenues, given the looming facade of — I *think* — 30 Rockefeller in the background. There’s also a building in the middle-ground under construction.
That said, I am frankly at a loss as to determine the specific spot they’re depicted goofing around on.
Can you name it?
Go to it. To inspire you to take that extra step….
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