You may have already seen this, if you’re patient and tolerant enough to follow me on Facebook, but for the sake of bringing things up to speed here, here’s an update since the last chapter.
Remember how I said I frequently have help when it comes to solving these things? Well, more than a few times, that help comes via the scrupulous eye for minute detail that is Bob Egan of Popspots (who I’ve mentioned here hundreds of times). After I posted the development the other day wherein Richard Moody disclosed the location of photographer Lynn Goldsmith’s former studio, Bob went to work in his inimitable fashion. Here’s what he had to say… and show….
HI ALex, I was at the Strand so I looked thru Lynn Goldsmith's photo book "Rock and Roll Stories." In it there's a picture of Ian Hunter in front of the Cell 54 awning. She mentions it was right after a shoot so I figure it's on her studio block. Her studio according to Google was at 241 West 36th. Adds no clues except the light pole that's to the left in this picture of 223 West 36th which I am 95% sure if the Pretenders location. I can't add more than one photo on Facebook, so I will add them separately., following...
This is a picture of Ian Hunter from the session that also has him outside Cell 54 awning. I think in this he's across the street because the traffic goes the other way.
This shows #241 West 36th where Lynn Goldsmith's studio was, and to the right, #223 West 36th Street where I think the Pretenders were.
This is one of the only old fashioned brick buildings on the block. It's a three story building. Notice that it has the same stoops as in the Pretenders pic and also the same brickwork as to the right of the Pretenders pic. As I said I'm 95% Sure this is it, since some of the other people who wrote you thought it was along this block.. For the other 5% I'd have to look at 223 West 36th Street up in the 1980 reverse phone book, whichI I will next time I'm at the library, and see if there was a luncheonette there, maybe one with an owner whose last name begins with CELL..
What say you? Did Bob solve the mystery?
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