1. In a very recent post, I blithely made an allusion to real-life emergencies happening with disquieting regularity. Remind me never to do that again. It’s called tempting fate. This morning, fate bit back. It’s under control, but … oy. As a result, things may quiet down here again for a spell. Watch this space. Think happy thoughts.
2. Remember that too-good-to-be true photo of Lemmy & Bowie that ended up being just that? Well, this isn’t quite as cool, but the great J. Yuenger shared the below photo on Facebook and on his page today, and it’s pretty amazing as well. Herewith Hawkwind-era Lemmy and pals (the dude with the interesting beard on the far left is not Dave Brock, but he is indeed a Hawkwind member) hanging out with Alice Cooper, Patti Smith and … is that Pam Dawber of TV’s “Mork & Mindy” in the flat cap? Or Marie Osmond? So many questions. No idea who took this photo, alas.
3. This was filmed back in June of 2015, but it’s still pretty damn cool. I can’t embed the video, so you’ll have to click through to watch a great conversation between Steve Buscemi and Jim Jarmusch (and two other dudes I don’t recognize) in Tompkins Square Park, talking about music, movie-making and the virtues of being an amateur. Click here to watch it.
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