I snapped the above shot of Magickal Childe back in about 1997. Today, as noted here, 35 West 19th Street is a tapas restaurant. But once upon a time, it was a place to procure all sorts of dark materials.
Today, Ruben Iglesias over on the excellent Facebook page, Manhattan Before 1990, put up a screenshot from "Vampire's Kiss" (Nic Cage's arguably ludicrous vampire movie), featuring a fleeting glimpse of the exterior of this fabled shop. As a bonus, however, Ruben included this fetching little clip below.
Enjoy a trip back in time as you step inside Magical Childe and peruse their wares....
Footnote: Regardless of your feelings about the occult and despite what the hirsute gent with the microphone says, West 19th Street is NOT "in the Village."
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