As with so many other since-vanished institutions, I can’t really remember the last time I spent any money in Trash & Vaudeville on St. Mark’s Place (above circa 1997), but I was still happy it was there.
Word came down from EV Grieve this morning that Trash & Vaudeville is leaving its long-held perch on St. Marks (since 1975) and fleeing to East 7th. So, no, it’s not totally going away, but I’m always wary of these moves. I can’t imagine the rent is much cheaper or kinder on East 7th. Will they be able to make it in a new spot?
I believe what makes me sad about it is that it's indicative of the further erosion of St. Marks Place’s former character. Losing Trash will only further the de-punkification, if you will, of this storied strip. Sorry, but that does kinda bum me out.
More about Trash & Vaudeville on Flaming Pablum
Who Took Out the Trash?
The Clash City Shopper
East Village to be Embalmed?
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