A couple of weeks back, you may remember a post in which I introduced a new, adjunct Tumblr site to this blog, dubbed Loud Laundry. Given my long-standing obsession with rock t-shirts (and the crucial protocol for the sporting of same, scrupulously documented in a category here called Opinionated Rants about T-shirts), I unveiled this labor-intensive photo collection of my strenuously silly array of band t-shirts. Apart from one or two members of my inexplicably devout readership, Loud Laundry was largely greeted by a deafening chorus of lethargic crickets.
Enter Steve Birnbaum.
About two weeks ago, I was waiting to pick up my kids from school when suddenly a man brandishing a very serious camera and curious collection of tattoos appeared out of nowhere, asking if he could take my picture. He went on to explain that he’d recently started a new project online about rock t-shirts, and being that I was wearing a black 7 Seconds/Agnostic Front shirt, I fit the bill. I, of course, lit up like a pinball machine and started rapturously extolling the merits of rock t-shirt appreciation and unsolicitedly regaled him with a pitch about this blog and Loud Laundry. We became fast allies.
I love the photos, concept and execution of Steve’s site, but I find some of the entries frustrating, mostly the few wherein those sporting the shirts sheepishly admit that “I’m not really a fan, I just think it fits really well.” As you know, that sends me right into orbit.
You can find Steve’s site, Band of Shirts here (I’ll let you find my picture in there).
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