Quite recently, a pair of photo-bloggers from Berlin, of all places, reached out to me inquiring about the photograph that’s been at the top of this blog for the past several years. They kindly asked if they could include it in a project they were compiling called MY WTC. I spoke a bit about the origins of my WTC photo back on this post.
Here’s a bit of their official description:
This blog’s aim is to create a comprehensive collection of private photographs of the former World Trade Center in NYC. The idea behind this project of Robert Ziegler and Stefka Ammon is to document and describe analytically the specific aura, meaning and significance of this architectural and cultural complex from the angle of visitors’ and tourists’ images from all over the World.
This blog does not include images of September 11th’s events and does not intend to comment on them either. It wants to explore how a symbolic architecture enters private narratives and claims global consciousness alike.
If you curious, check out MY WTC here.
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