In the wake of Will & Kate bestowing the name “Charlotte” on their newest addition, I’m starting to see all these pieces pop up about the rigors, torments and odious travails of either having the name “Charlotte” yourself or having a daughter named “Charlotte,” … to which I say this: Pfffft!
What the royals choose to name their offspring could not possibly mean less to me. I mean, no offense. If anything, I suppose I should commend them on their taste.
But do I now regret naming my own daughter Charlotte eleven years before they chose to do same with their child? No.
Do I fear for my own little girl’s sanity now that she shares a name with a British royal? Again — no.
Why should I? I know a few Charleses, Dianas,Wills, Elizabeths, Harries and more Kates than I can shake a bejeweled royal scepter at, and they all seem to get along just fine. I don’t know any Fergies, but perhaps that’s just as well.
I first suggested the name Charlotte based on three things. Firstly, I just think it's a beautiful name. Secondly, I'd worked with a couple of Charlottes, and they were -- without fail -- absolutely lovely, delightful people. Thirdly, because of this particular recording of this song....
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