At this very late stage of the proceedings, I’m afraid I really don’t have anything else left to say about the Cedar Tavern that I haven’t already covered in myriad posts on the subject. Much as with CBGB, it’s now been gone so long that it seems a bit moot to even discuss it anymore.
That all said, a user named Dari posted the below shot on the Facebook group Manhattan Before 1990 yesterday, and I had to share it here.
This is, of course, the Cedar Tavern circa 1976, as captured by one Edmund V. Gillon. I strongly advise doing a Google Image search using his name, as some striking black and white images of NYC come up. It doesn’t appear that he has a website of his own, but I believe he's published at least a couple of books. It’s some truly amazing work.
In any case, this particular strip today owes nothing to Gillon’s photograph anymore. The spot where the Cedar stood is now a roundly noxious eyesore of a condo (still with a few remaining vacant apartments, I believe), with a ridiculous european waxing salon on the ground floor. Over to the left, the businesses in the building depicted with the Chinese restaurant in its ground floor are also gone. I’m not certain, but I know the Village Voice occupied that building for a time, although I’m not sure if that was before or after this shot. In more recent years, it was a Thai restaurant, and later a neighborhood bar/restaurant called Jack’s Bistro. That closed somewhat recently, and that space is now a TD Bank…. I know, shocker!!!
The story thus far...
Last Word on the Cedar Tavern (not!)
Depressing Cedar Tavern Shot of the Day
Meanwhile, Back on University Place
It's Gone & It Ain't Comin' Back
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