I spotted this today courtesy of the NYC 1950 to Present page on Facebook, and found it pretty fascinating. Here's how user Jay Singer framed it...
The south platform at Bowery Station. It is not abandoned, however it has been deactivated since 2004. When the 2nd avenue subway comes on line, this platform will likely be brought back into use. I use this station on the north platform, there is no grafitti but it is very dirty and desolate, the least used station in the system. The deactivated side, sans grafitti, is much cleaner. Big rats down there. I've only seen glimpses of this platform through the portals in the wall seperating the sides. The MTA crews go in here regularly to clean it up.
The video dates back to 2013, so I'm not sure if it's still like this today. But, it's cool..check it out....
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