With everything that’s going on in New York City right now — to say nothing of the rest of the United States — I have to say that it feels remarkably disingenuous and trivial (more so than usual) to carry on posting entries here about gripes about gentrification, forgotten punk bands, since-closed record stores and photo quizzes asking to name the location of that park bench where Lynne Goldsmith once photographed the Boomtown Rats.
90% of the time, I try to avoid discussing big issues and social causes here on Flaming Pablum. While it’s a topically open-ended blog, it just doesn’t seem like the place for that. I’m more than happy to argue `til we’re all red in the face about whether or not it’s “hardcore” or “hardcore punk” or who the best drummer for the Circle Jerks was (inevitably Chuck Biscuits, with all due respect to Lucky Lehrer), but much like at the holiday dinner table, I find that getting into politics and divisive social issues only invites trouble — although I’m currently feeling like that’s a major league fuckin' cop-out right now.
Suffice to say, I’m a big ol' liberal lefty. Draw whatever conclusions you like from that. And while I don’t like earnest displays, catchy hashtags, simplified sloganeering or symbolic grand-standng (you will never see me wear a friggin' Guy Fawkes mask — and, really, isn’t it time we retired that anyway?), I firmly stand with those who are shocked and appalled at the grand jury’s decision not to indict the police officers involved with the death of unarmed Eric Garner (which, let’s remember, the medical examiner ruled a homicide).
If that assertion means you will thornily never visit this weblog again, well then — thanks for reading.
I have no further point other than that I hope that in the days to come that the proceedings involving protests and demonstrations remain smart and peaceful. Let’s all try to learn from this and move forward together.
I'll get back to my usual shtick shortly. Sit tight and stay safe.
Oh, and this still holds true...
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