Not to get all self-effacey on you, but I’m always amazed that people read this stuff. I mean, I know there are folks out there who care about the same sorta silly crap I do (like Bob Egan, EV Grieve and the like), but it never fails to surprise me that people chime in — least of all some of the principal players involved (most of whom would probably rather I got on with my life).
In any case, after multiple posts about the whereabouts of mid-to-late 80’s Pussy Galore in various pictures across the fair island of Manhattan, none other than the great Julia Cafritz herself joined the conversation this week, which pretty much blew a new part in my hair.
Regarding the pinpointing of Monica Dee’s group shot of the Pussy Galore gang perched around a table on the Forsyth Street median, Ms. Cafritz had this to say:
Ace detective work. I certainly do not remember where we took but yeah that would have been very close to our practice space. Here's the weirdest thing about Mr. Egan pinpointing that spot. See that school there. I taught at Satellite Academy, right there in the background, from 1997-2000. I never made that connection to that shoot. And I was the person in the band not drinking and doing drugs.
Regarding this week’s speculation, meanwhile, that Michael Lavine's shot below was taken at Inspiration Point, Julia (now Julie, btw) said simply: “Right on.”
Here’s a shot of the great lady in action, this snapped by JFotoman at Stache’s on High Street in Columbus, Ohio (a since-demolished venue I wrote at some length about back here).
My favorite aspect of this pic, honestly, beyond Julia’s endearing sneer, is the Redd Kross “Quit School” sticker on her guitar. I remember getting that same sticker in my copy of the Teen Babes From Monstanto e.p.. I’m also intrigued that she’s CROSSED IT OUT. Was there beef between the two bands? I posted a photo quiz, you might remember, about Redd Kross just last week!
To see more of JFotoman’s truly amazing archive of concert shots, be sure to check out his website here.
Meanwhile, here’s Julia at the mic, riding roughshod over a Devo cover. Buckle up!
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