Been a long time since we did a proper photo quiz. Here’s a toughie.
After spotting a photo online of a certain bit of street art that formerly graced the wall of a vacant lot in SoHo in the 1980s, I started combing the `net for an old picture from SPIN magazine I remembered from the mid-80’s of Bernard Sumner of New Order silhouetted against a similar facade. Well, I didn’t find that, but I did come across the shot below of Bernard shot by one Kevin Cummins. Take a good look.
I could be incredibly wrong, but from the looks of this photograph— presumably taken sometime in the mid-to-late 80’s, given how youthful our Barney looks — I think this picture depicts the New Order frontman and dubious lyricist walking westward on W.21st street, away from 10th Avenue.
I’m not sure, of course. Hell, I’m not even sure it’s New York, but here’s a Google Map shot of that particular strip today. Note the elevated track in the background (today known as The High Line). See what you think.
Though it presumably wouldn’t have existed at this point in time, if I’m correct, Bernard would be walking towards the former site of The Marquee (read more about that venue here).
What do you reckon? Bob to weigh in?
Here’s a little New Order to jog your memories.
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