The word on this one started circulating a while back, but it looks like it's now official. As reported this morning on Jeremiah Moss' Vanishing New York, Bleecker Street Records on ... wait for it... Bleecker Street, is finally closing its doors.
All's not lost, though. It's evidently moving to a new space on West 4th Street between Jones and Barrow. So, that's good news.
Prior to its incarnation as Bleecker Street Records, it was actually a (must dustier) spot called Golden Disc. I picked up a few titles there over the years. Golden Disc had the strange habit of putting all their stock in these yellowed, translucent plastic envelopes. Thus, even if it was a brand-spankin' new release, it looked ancient.
As Bleecker Street Records (pictured here... with my kids earlier this year), it was a much more orderly affair. They weren't really my go-to for the far-flung fare, but they had a decent selection and a large-if-unwieldly collection of used stuff.
I wonder what will come to occupy that address when it's gone. Place your bets.
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