In any case, in doing a Google image search recently (I was looking for variations of the old “Home Taping is Killing Music” logo … a quaint little alarmist campaign the music industry tried to laughably foist upon consumers decades ago), I stumbled upon the t-shirt design below, and the all-consuming coveting started in earnest. These apparently came out in 1983. Where the hell was I? Regardless, my birthday is in October, and I wear a size "large." Just sayin'.
INFERNAL ADDENDUM: My comrade Piers sagely pointed out that I misquote Venom's signature anthem, "Black Metal,"in my headline, the correct lyric being: "Lay Down Your Soul to the Gods Rock N' Roll." There is no "of." All this time, I thought Cronos was just frantically slurring through it in hellbound haste. Color me embarassed and ashamed.
And if you’re still unfamiliar with Venom, here they are circa during their Hell-hailing heyday.
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