This morning, I couldn't help noticing that my bloggy buddy EV Grieve posted "Never Understand" by the mighty Jesus and Mary Chain. I used to routinely torture my freshman year roommate Darren with round-the-clock airings of the Mary Chain's inimitable Psychocandy. If you don't own that album, I think less of you.
Anyway, while not quite as seismic as the Jesus and Mary Chain, herewith Prolapse ... the oddball British indie band with the bizarre medical name (don't do a Google image search for the world "prolapse" ... you won't enjoy what you find). Circa 1996, I snuck this track onto many a mixtape.
Quite inexplicably, this video also features the band being driven around what looks like midtown Manhattan. Go figure. Rergardless, it's a fine `choon ... especially if you're fond (as I am) of utterly ridiculous Scottish accents (courtesy of lead vocalist "Scottish Mick").
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