Okay, I’m no architect, but this seems kinda strange, no?
The dreadful 82 University Place is sporting a fresh new patina of scaffolding this week, despite the fact that the building is only five years old. How can that be? How much wear and tear could have transpired? From what I can tell, the building still boasts many vacant apartments. What’s going on here?
New readers may be wondering aloud: “Why does he give a fuck?”
Well, the ugly eyesore at 82 University Place stands in the former footprint of the late, lamented Cedar Tavern (which I’ve written about here quite a few times, notably here and here, to cite but two). If anything, the closing of the Cedar Tavern jumpstarted my preoccupation with the transformation of downtown.
The actual space on the ground floor that technically was once occupied by the Cedar Tavern remains thoroughly devoid of any activity whatsoever. It’s a cruelly telling example of this city’s avarice and disregard for history and community.
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