Alright, so this one is turning out to be much tougher than expected.
On Saturday, I walked up and down St Marks Place to the east and 8th Street to the west, hoping to divine the exact location of this photograph. I'd been thinking that it could very well be the same building on St Marks that graces the cover of Physical Graffiti and that played host to the video shoot for the Stones' "Waiting on a Friend." That would have been poetically appropriate, but no dice. While that building does indeed feature some almost-street-level columns similar to the ones that appear behind hirsute Mr. Thunders, there's a crucial deal breaker that cancels out that option: the subway grates.
Simply put, pretty much nowhere on the strip between the eastern end of St Mark's Place at Avenue A to the western tip where 8th Street meets 6th Avenue are there any subway grates, leading me to suspect that the caption of the photograph is, well, friggin' wrong.
Get back to it, sleuths.
This is not it:
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