It's no mystery that I think Marc Jacobs is an insufferable jackass, so imagine my glee earlier this week when news broke that one of his FUCKING COUNTLESS shops here in downtown Manhattan -- specifically on Mercer Street in SoHo (just a few doors down from where I used to toil in an art gallery) -- was seemingly slathered in dripping red paint by an admirable art terrorist (the legend scrawled in massive red letters read "ART.") I thought that was pretty cool.
Today, meanwhile comes the development that you can now buy t-shirts with images of that incident on it, which means it was all a big marketing stunt to begin with. I'm a sucker.
Oh, and those t-shirts? They'll evidently cost you OVER SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS?!?!?! (Could that be right?)
So, yeah -- fuck you, Marc Jacobs.
I found the image at the top of this post on Tumblr. Under normal circumstances, I'd assume it was a joke, but given Marc Jacobs' herculean narcissism, who can say?
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