Lots of people seem to have lots to say about the Occupy Wall Street movement. I'm no exception, of course. While I stand with most of the myriad sentiments expressed amidst the OWS contingent, there are still aspects of it that I can't fully support. I'm sorry, but drum circles and puppets don't solve anything. Remember how we all laughed at the idiots who showed up at the Tea Party rallies dressed like Revolutionary War-era militia men? It's the same thing. Dress like one of the Banana Splits, and people are only going to laugh at you and write off your cause. That's only my opinion, of course, but I find it frustrating to see a worthy endeavor undermined by dingbats looking for cheap laughs.
Of course, the media plays right into it by serving up the freakier aspects on a silver platter (despite the fact that nine out of every ten of the protestors don't actually sport purple, dreadlocked mohawks). They're simply looking for what will catch the eye and capture the attention. Maybe that's the point, but again -- don't serious concerns warrant a more serious approach? There's got to be a place for humor in the discourse, of course, but don't let it cloud the message. Again -- these are just my own opinions, and they're not necessarily carved in stone.
Consider the two placards below (click on them to enlarge...both prized off of Tumblr). I'm just curious --- Which sign do you think is more effective?
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