Honestly, I really don’t know anything about Terry Richardson other than that he seems to have accrued a rather convincing reputation as something of a perv. That may not be the case – for all I know he could be a totally stand-up guy. The photography of his that I have seen all seems to occupy a disarming middle-ground between the pioneering transgression of Richard Kern and the thinly-veiled, DIY rec room soft-porn of American Apparel advertising. He’s also something of a hipster deity, I gather. But, y’know, again – I’ve never met the guy.
I stumbled upon his website today, however, at work (it was linked off to from a story about ::gasp:: Jennifer Aniston’s new romance) and was struck by something. Terry may be many things – sleazy shutterbug, maddeningly ubiquitous scenemaker, facial-hair-criminal, etc. – but at the very least, it turns out that he’s a fan of old school hardcore and has excellent taste in t-shirts (that's one of his shots above). So… y’know…he can't be all that bad. Check out his gallery of T-shirts of the Week here.
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