For the most part, I like the posts I put up here to be thematically linked or at least significant in some way to the greater arc of the weblog. But every now and then, I simply stumble on something in my travels around the `Net that begs representation here if only because I think it's awesome. These are two such items.
The first is the below picture of Glenn Danzig paying his respects to Elvis. I found it here, and I think it's ridiculously cool.
The second is a video I found on MSN's Headbang blog (maintained by the estimable Phil Freeman). Here's Phil's preamble.
Here's a very different video. The story: Back on April 10, Dennis Diaz and Annette Ortiz were married in California. Annette has been a member of several bands, and she and her husband were part of an all-Asian Metallica tribute band called Trapped Under Rice. (I'm not making that up; it comes from this link.) So naturally, what else is she gonna want to do on her wedding day but play "Master of Puppets" on the drums? And quite well, too. (Skip forward to about the one-minute mark to check it out.) Congratulations to them.
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