To be perfectly honest, I find the veracity of the report I'm about to cite rather strenuously dubious.
...just when I thought I was finally done with all things royal wedding-related (after logging a marathon, twelve-hour all-nighter at the office covering it, ... to say nothing of the last six months of coverage), I stumbled across a recent report that practically made me weep. According to the site Tyranny of Tradition (see what I mean by dubious?), Cronos, the lead singer and bass-batterer from my beloved high school heroes, VENOM, is Kate Middleton's uncle.
Ummm....wait, what?
That's right, the rumor is that he's her uncle and that his feelings were hurt when he didn't get an invite. Go figure, right?
In any case, it's probably a heaping pile of goat shit, but it's certainly a fun story regardless. However, if it is true, I suggest that the royals really missed a fine opportunity. I'd love to have seen Cronos, Mantas and Abbadon resplendent in royal morning coats. Ah well..
This also serves as a handy excuse to dust off the fabled "Live at City Gardens" recording by Ecstatic Peace. PLAY VERY LOUD!
For more on my affection for Venom, click here.
And if, for some unforgivable reason, you're unaware of what Venom is all about, click below.
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