"Speaking of Terminal 5, I think its kind of hilarious that such an NYC-centric group like LCD Soundystem chose to hold an epic final run at a venue almost universally loathed by concert-goers."
Spotted this quote on the ILX boards this morning, and it's pretty spot-on. As previously discussed, I saw LCD perform there last night (see above), and while the show was great (what I saw of it, at least), the experience only served to reinforce my hatred for the venue in question. It gets crowded. It's poorly laid-out. It's way the hell out of the way (56th Street and fuckin' 11th Avenue... might as well be in New Hampshire). The place bites.
Crowd-wise, it was a hot, annoying mix of backwards-baseball-capped, frat schmuck Dave Matthews types and indie hipsters (and sniveling, curmudgeonly oldsters like me, grousing about how none of the whippersnappers in attendance knew who opening act Liquid Liquid were). I stuck around for a while, but I lost the co-workers I came with, couldn't find my other friends in attendance, was tired from a long day at work and neglected to bring any earplugs (which is a strenuous no-no for me, being a Tinnitus-sufferer). After I heard the songs I needed to hear ("Dance Yourself Clean," "Drunk Girls," "Get Innocuous," "All My Friends" and a couple of others), I decided to hit the bricks. To my knowledge, they didn't play "Jump Into the Fire" (although they might've), but in the end, I was happy to be out of there. Glad I went, but oy. Grumble grumble. Where's my Geritol? You kids stay off my lawn. Hurrumph.
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