So, I finished my week of guest-bloggin' for Dadwagon. It went pretty well, although -- technically -- I believe I still owe them a post. I penned this introductory blurb, a nice chunky piece about the Top 10 Pop Songs Rife withe Shoddy Parenting, a piece about my little Oliver's experiments in dishonesty and this piece about how children's music makes me want to destroy the earth. All pretty standard fare for me, actually.
Over at the job, meanwhile, I composed a couple of items this week that I might as well post here as well. One was about a gaggle of teens in Forks, Washington who incurred the disciplinary wrath of their high school by wearing Sex Pistols t-shirts (how timely of them) and a nice beefy post about the perils of strollerphobia (a topic I've written about here before). Do check'em all out, won't you?
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