At this point, I kinda doubt anyone is reading this in real time, being that it's now July 4th Weekend and everyone's away, or at the very least, running around outside in the summer sun (and if you're not, why aren't you?) I, too, am about to depart to join my wife & kids at my sister-in-law's out in the wilds of Pennsylvania for a few days. It's going to get even more quiet around New York City, methinks.
I've developed a bit of a superstition about this holiday, frankly, being that it was Independence Day 2007 that all too fittingly marked the last time I was actively on staff anywhere. With that in mind, I'll be keeping my head down, my antennae up and my hopes high for a more promising future. Here's hoping you all have a happy Fourth and stable & fun summer.
In terms of the actual holiday, I'm generally too much of a cynical, liberal lefty to be much of a flag-waver (and never has this been truer than in this current age of the Tea Party), but I am indeed thankful for my freedoms. Those include, of course, the freedom to express my discontent with the state of proceedings. The nation seems more polarized than ever these days and who knows where we're collectively headed, but it's important to stop and be thankful for what we have. Independence Day isn't just about fireworks and barbecue.
Very little of my favorite music is particularly patriotic, but here's a nice send-off. Enjoy the holiday. Celebrate your liberty.
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