I'd stopped in there are recently as Valentine's Day, when I was looking to pick up some treats for my kids. World of Nuts & Ice Cream on East 8th Street between Fifth Avenue and University Place wasn't a fancy spot by any means, but it was staffed by an amiable Indian gentleman who was always very kind when my children pressed their little faces against the glass of his front widow, gazing at the PEZ-dispensing Elmos and chocolate goodies. I remember asking him how business was on that day. He stoically mentioned that it had been a slower year than most, but he was genuinely hoping that business would pick up the next day (V-day, a big seller for chocolatiers, I'd imagine). Evidently, it didn't pick up enough. I spotted the "Space Available" sign in its window yesterday, peered inside and found it completely empty. My kids will be very sad to see it gone.
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