I'm not going to lie. It's been slow going here at Flaming Pablum of late (as you may have noticed). I'm grappling with a bit of a bout of the January blahs, I suppose. I have a few items on the proverbial back burner that I need to turn the heat up on, but in the interim, here are a few items that have caught my eye recently that I thought might similarly capture your interest. Enjoy.
Appealing to my tinnitus-prompted longing for silence, I stumbled upon a fascinating piece on Newsweek.com this week about America's vanishing quiet spaces. Sure, it's a bit rife with lots of hippy claptrap about the music of nature, but there are some salient points to be made about how our lives can be helped by listening to the silence.
"Face it, CD's aren't coming back." So say the tight-suspendered bean-counters at SmartMoney in this recent article about 10 things you should stop buying in 2010. This list also includes DVDs, compact digital cameras and external hard drives (i.e. things I like and still use). Screw progress.
In happier news, Paste Magazine (a now-online-only periodical I very fleetingly wrote for) interviewed Devo's Mark Mothersbaugh on the sound and direction of their forthcoming album. In even more truly devolved news, it seems the spud boys are now slated to play at the Winter Olympics. Honestly, I'm not quite sure what to make of that.
In other forthcoming album news, The Quietus had the enviable opportunity of hearing the impending Killing Joke opus, Feast of Fools alongside Jaz Coleman and Youth, and all parties concerned feel that the end results are nothing short of spectacular. I, for one, cannot wait.
Also on the music front, every now and then I still catch wind of a new band that fires my imagination. Yesterday, my young(er) colleague Drew forwarded me a clip by a band called Yeasayer. I know precious fuck-all about them, but their acid-damaged clip for "Ambling Alp" looks like "Logan's Run" as directed by Maya Deren. Oh, and the tune's pretty cool as well. See what ya think.
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