Apologies for the relative slowdown in activity here on the `Pab, but I've had a lot of balls in the air, so to speak. On a purely trivial level, I've been grappling with my dumb iPod problem. Secondly, I've been wasting entirely too much time on my ridiculous Tumblr, Get Back to Work! Thirdly, it's the usual ramp-up to Christmas, which means lots of running around and such. Lastly, though, the real reason I've been waylaid is because last week, my cherubically inviolate little 5-year-old daughter was sent home from school with head lice. I'll spare you the details, but suffice to say, it's been unpleasant, exhausting, repulsive and expensive. I do not recommend it. In any case, as we dig out from that wreckage and slide uncontrollably into the gaping maw of the holidays, console yourself knowing there is more on the way. But enjoy the retina-immolating splendor of Get Back to Work! in the interim.
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