Herewith another reminder to come to the Lost New York conference this weekend at NYU, a distinguished learning institution I've admittedly typed many disreputable things about here in the past (all in good fun, I promise). In any case, you can check out the full program by clicking here. As I mentioned back on this post, I've agreed to participate on the suitably-named panel, "Blogging The Apocalypse: New Media, New Genres & The Literature of a Lost City." Sounds cool, right? Conference moderator Bryan Waterman goes into more detail here (saying some very complimentary things about this weblog in the process). I can only hope that I'll live up to such richly undeserved purple prose and not say anything embarrassing in proximity to a hot microphone.
Also, be sure to check out BW's interview with Jeremiah Moss & EV Grieve – two of my similarly-inclined and frequently-linked-to blogging comrades – for their input. Sadly, neither of these eloquent gents can participate on the panel (though it's rumored they'll attend in secret… shhhhhhhh!)
I'd love to be able to tell you more about what to expect, but I don't really know that myself. It should be interesting, though.
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